The Art of an Essay Writing


Essay writing

Essay writing is one of the most important parts in all the level examination to assess the credibility and the proficiency of the students in the respective field of work.

 The Important Features of an essay:

1. Tone:        Factual (Based upon Facts) 

2. Register:   Formal   

3. Audience: General/Specific

4. Purpose:   To inform

Essay writing is a formal composition that serves different purposes, so are divided into different types and are written in a specific format to each.


The Structure of an Essay:

1.  Opening statement (background information)

          Opening statement of an essay provides A BRIEF background information about the topic to set a firm foundation for the further points to be presented. 

2.  Thesis Statement:

     All the points of view of discussion revolve around the main idea to exhibit all the aspects related to the topic.    

3.  Main Body (A series of paragraphs):

    The points are organized in a series of paragraphs and each paragraph deals with one opinion or thought which is a topic sentence. As per standard an essay has five to eight paragraphs, but generally it depends upon the purpose of writing an essay.

4.  Conclusion:

    The proper ending of the essay is the summing up of the prior topics as presented avoiding the addition of any new thought or point to it and keeping it brief and concise.


Language of the Essay:

1.  Standard English

2.   Present tense for the points of view.

3.  Past tense for the past events.  

4.  Use of third person

5.  Use of the connectors i.e. Furthermore, Moreover, Firstly, Secondly, Subsequently, Resultantly accordingly.

6.  Active Voice

7.  More adjectives to present the picture vividly.

8.  Grammatically sound text. (Error free)


1. Standard Language 

2. Formal words                                       

3. Unbiased    

 4. Non discriminative           


 1. No Slangs

2. No contractions i.e. (we’ll, I’ll)

3.  No agenda or propaganda following

4.  No controversial opinions based upon religion, creed,      race or gender.

5. No plagiarized text.


An essay should be perfect in terms with the purpose and audience to execute convincing approach towards the opinions and discussion views.

 Begin each paragraph with the connectors to create harmony in between the paras to maintain the coherence of the text as a whole picture and not the disjoint pieces of information.

 All the points discussed should be relevant and perfectly connected to the topic.

 Add more illustration, graphs and charts to provide a substantial evidence to prove the point.

 Add related quotation from the authentic source to have a stronger impact on the reader.

Avoid the repetition of the points.

Avoid unnecessary details as it mar the quality of the text.

It has to be a comprehensive, concise and coherent document with all the subtleties to inform and entertain the reader.









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