Speech Writing: How to prepare a Speech.


Speech Writing

The speech Writing is an art of delivering the points of view in an impressive and convincing way either to persuade the audience or simply share the opinion on certain topic or thought.

Speech topics vary in disposition in order to suite the purpose it serves and so are written accordingly. There is political, business, Employment concerned like welcome, farewell or appraisal or simply personal speeches.

The format of the speech is rather simple and goes with the personal choice of delivering the way it fits better.


Tone:           Factual Writing

Register:     Formal

Purpose:     To Inform

Audience:   General / Specific


Format of the Speech

1.        Introduction:

An effective beginning leads to an impressive speech till its end. The stronger the introduction is established the stronger influence and impact it creates. For the prompt attention of the audience, a short story, incident or a good joke related to the topic, is considered a benefitting start to introduce the point to be discussed further ahead.

2.     Discussion Points:

 [Body of the Speech]

a)         The main point of concern can be touched light heartedly or in a serene or sober way to cater the purpose and task in a seemly manner. The tone and temperament of the speech varies accordingly. Eg. The speech to a political canvassing campaign will be more motivated with high slogans and spirited talk rather than the speech on serious forums like UN. Assembly Meetings, Educational, religious gatherings, School, college assembly speeches.


b)       The sequence of the points is arranged by the importance or priority. The organized thoughts and the one point at one time taken to describe all the aspects about it in a convincing a manner would be the best strategy to adopt. All jumbled up thoughts and disorganized execution of them leave the audience in a state of confusion thus has a lesser impact and a failure to

      Stimulate the interest.

c)         For the personal speeches sharing good, bad and interesting experiences with the related people or a person is the added impression.

d)       End of the speech on a happy and promising note and showing good hopes and faith for the future is the best approach.

3.  Conclusion:

       The conclusion includes the sum up of the prior discussion, resounding briefly all the main concerns, a proper ending that vows a long lasting imprint on the auditory perception.

Language:                        1. Use of present tense.

2.   Use of past tense for the past events or happenings.

3. Use of future tense for the upcoming.

4. Grammatically error free especially for the exam purpose.

5. Lively, fresh phrases and sentences to invoke the interest for listening.



1.  Emphasize the points in focus pin pointing clearly what is meant to achieve.

2.  Add interesting facts and examples relevant to the topic.

3. Instill the provocation for the cause positively.

4.  Keep the speech free from the severe remarks or judgments against any point.

5. Avoid repetition or unnecessary details as not to have a dull and drab tedious talk.



1.   Avoid vague or ambiguous concepts;   provide logical explanations or pieces of information.

2. Avoid impolite expressions and phrases.   

3. Avoid Jumbled up messages, vague and confused statements.

4. Avoid Excessive criticism for anything it conveys a negative message about the speakers personality.

5. Avoid mono tone, have variations in the tone with proper use of intonation and speech marks.


1.   Lively, start to attract the attention like magnetism.

2.   Entertaining tone and impeccable individualized style.

3.  Vivid, explanations of all the points with examples.

4. Maintaining the interest factor from the start till the end.



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