Story Writing Fiction


Story Writing 

The story writing is an age old art to entertain ourselves with, or to preserve the historically important events to pass on to the coming generations. Literature is called the imitation of life with the blend of fascination and the beauty of human imagination.  Narrative writing or story writing carries a particular format and structure to fulfil the literary principles.  



1.  Introduction (Beginning)

    [Setting, Unity]

2.  Rising Action

3.  Conflict

4.  Climax

5.  Resolution

6.  Ending


Salient Features of a story:

The following outlines need to meet the criterion to structure a story.                     

1.   Introduction: (Beginning)

The beginning of the story is the introduction of the setting. The foremost consideration is to draw reader’s attention while introducing the story line with some catchy dialogues or interesting situation.


     Setting of the story is the integral part of the introducing of the story it involves, Time of Action, Place of Action and Characters. It covers the transitions of time and place throughout the story as it progresses or unfolds according to the plot’s requirement.  Setting also caters the surrounding environment i.e. weather, climate etc. Characters are also included in the setting of a story as the time and place of action or environment essentially are meant for the representation of the characters.

a)           Characters

Characters are the real or fictitious people who play different roles for the story. The portrayal of the characters using imagery and life like features is called the characterization.


b)           Time of Action

Time of action is the time when the story took place the age, seasons or time of the day, e.g. in past, recent times, in future, showing the seasons like winters, summer etc. or day, night or any other time of the day

c)             Place of Action

The place of action is the surrounding where the story is going to happen. The place changes according to the situations change in the story. E.g. forest, city, castle, cave etc.

   d)  Unity:

 As explained by Aristotle the unity of time, place and portrayal of the characters is the foundation of the narrative that supports the whole structure of the plot or story line. All these should surely, be integrated properly with each other to establish the meaning to the rest.


2.  Rising Action:

      The rising action is the progression of the story towards the conflict as characters meet other characters and the situation gets entangled.

3.          Conflict:

Conflict is the important aspect that keeps readers interested and involved in the happenings

4.  Climax:

The highest peak of the conflict, where the situation gets intensified and the conflict completely gets hold over the lives of the characters and the situation is the climax of the story.


5.  Resolution:

          After the highest peak (climax) the situation by the venture of some coincidences or chance or by some twist starts to loosen up and matters start resolving. The solution to the conflict takes shape and situation becomes relax and better.


6.  Ending:

     The ending of the story presents a catharsis to the reader as it gives the solution and the eternal theory of Reward and Punishment comes in play. Good gets good and evil gets the befitting reprimand that satisfies the emotional and psychological need to see it happen by the reader.



1.            Use of past tense

2.            Any tense can be used according to the situation.

3.            Dialogues are written in direct speech with inverted commas and in present tense.

4.            Use of adjectives to create vivid images.

5.             Follow the famous quote ‘Show, don’t Tell’ maintain a pictorial quality.

6.            Avoid wordiness or many synonymous words.

7.            Grammatically, error free and plagiarism free writing.


1.          A proper beginning and a proper ending to the story is important to catch the attention of the reader. The proper ending to leave indelible imprints on the mind of the reader and have a stronger impact of the story.

2.          Avoid ending improperly like it was all a dream or leaving the reader nowhere to decide whatever would fit better. Finish in Style

3.          Stronger conflict has stronger impact, and gives more space to the writer to have good twists for the resolution.

4.           Magnanimity of the antagonist makes the protagonist suffer more and supports his character to accumulate the sympathy of the reader, more suffering to the protagonist paves a way for the more punishment for the antagonist to justify all his misdoings to the protagonist and it is the success of the story which keeps the interest and suspense level intact in the reader to enjoy every happening with conscious relish and be entertained. 


5.          Literature is meant to provide entertainment and aestheticism                to the senses so monotonous, dull,  colorless and devoid of emotions writings should be refrained from.



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