Goddess of Happiness: Tales of the Divine Throb [PART 5]

Tales of the Divine Throb

                                        [Part 5] 


It was the fresh morning, the birds were singing in their hypnotic voices the melodious songs of bliss and happiness. The flowers with all the splendor and elegance in numerous colors were fluttering their delicate petals in a cool breeze. Everything seemed so rhapsodized in a blessed enrichment and beauty.  All the people were busy in doing their daily tasks, when suddenly there came a tornado and swept everything with it.

It left the land barren and parched as if it never had witnessed any fertility and happiness. It was the dissolute description of the craving and creeping starvation and desperation of all sorts.

Few years went by like this and after that the God of fertility who was moving on the air saw the land and went back to the heavens to ask the cause of that depravation and infertility of the land from the angels who were assigned the responsibility to take care of it.

The angels informed the God of fertility that there lived a bewitched tornado who happened to transform himself into a human or an angel to deceive everyone so he deceived them too as being the one of them but secretly fought and availed the chance in hand to cast ruination on the lives of the innocent people and tried to snatch their belongings away.

The God of Fertility, Prosperity and Happiness got furious, hearing this from his angels and ordered them to punish the Tornado severely to torture him and make him suffer the worst for his wrong doing to the princess of Happiness, Love and the Goddess of Fertility.

The mighty God went to the land and with his celestial powers revived the miserable condition of the land, blessed the goddess  with bliss and charm of fertility and brought back the happiness that was snatched by the evil tornado. The princess felt happy and thanked the god for saving her land.

The princess was anointed the queen of the whole land and was bestowed by the beauty and the everlasting luster. The evil Tornado  was called to the court of the God himself and was given the punishment to be tortured and rotting eternally along with his vicious mother in the abyss where they were thrown.

!Youtube video of this story will be uploaded soon!


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